When I started the French Needle nine or so years ago it was all about needlework supplies.
Over the years it has morphed into something even closer to my heart. In my attempt to sniff out really beautiful materials for people to use in their projects, I have come across some amazing crafters who realize their products soup to nuts.
To make something beautiful with your hands is a really big and joyful part of life, no? For some it is musical notes, for some it’s words, for some it’s just thread or felt! It’s all good.
Here are a few photos of some of the handcrafted items from frenchneedle.com …
A man who spends his life making exquisite scissors, (more about him,
later) a bevy of women in Madagascar who crochet like fairies, my son
who patiently turns and polishes his little wood needle boxes. How fun is my job??